If you can't find it in your in-box, you might find it here!
REMINDER that the Calendar is available here.
Hopefully everyone enjoyed their long weekend! This Friday we will cheer on our Bobcat football team at their second playoff game. We have also begun preparations for
Good morning GHBOB families, can you believe it's finally here - the week we have all been waiting for and talking about for SO, SO LONG?! No, I'm not talking about the silly
Good morning GHBOB families and welcome back from what we hope was a great spring break for you and your families. Unless I miss my guess, these last few weeks of
Hello GHBOB friends, and welcome back from the long holiday weekend! Here are a few quick notes from the GHBOB.
HELLO AND HAPPY NEW YEAR, GHBOB friends! We hope you enjoyed your holidays and winter break, but if you are anything like me that feels like a distant
Welcome back everyone! I hope you were able to rest and relax during our holiday break. The next two and a half months will be quite busy. Here are the highlights:
Any/all GHHS band members are strongly encouraged to take part in the Ohio Music Education Association High School Solo & Ensemble Adjudicated Event on Saturday,
To all;
The schedule for OMEA Solo & Ensemble on Saturday, February 16th has been posted. Any/all GHHS band members are strongly encouraged to take part in the Ohio Music Education Association High School Solo & Ensemble Adjudicated Event on Saturday,
AuthorJulie Rutter Categories
This web site is maintained by the Grandview Heights Band & Orchestra Boosters, serving and supporting the instrumental music students of the Grandview Heights Schools.