Band Camp Information, Forms, and Details
Cost, Payment, and Forms Volunteer Opportunities Roommate Assignments Medical Information Preparing for Band Camp QUICK LINKS
Schedule Information Online Registration Online Payment Medication Form Band Camp Rules Band Camp Packing List Instrument Transportation Policy |
INTRODUCTION AND CONTACT INFORMATIONWelcome to the 2024 edition of the Pride of the Bobcats, the GHHS Marching Band - PRE-CAMP REHEARSALS begin July 15!
Band Camp 2024 will be at Otterbein University, from July 21-26, 2024. This is a "sleepaway" camp with students housed in dorms, eating in the dining hall, and rehearsing on campus in classrooms and on the athletic field. Returning students already know that Band Camp is an invaluable way for the students to bond, learn from each other, and have a lot of fun while also preparing for the long and fast-paced football season. For incoming GHHS students and first-time Band members, it’s also a great way to form new friendships with your peers and upperclass students before the school year starts - your student can head into high school on day one with a ready-made band (see what we did there?) of friends in place to support them through this transition. Please contact Mrs. Olis directly to discuss any unavoidable scheduling conflicts or other concerns related to your student’s attendance at Band Camp. Full details about the schedule are available by clicking here. We hope that EVERYTHING ELSE YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT BAND CAMP appears here or in the other linked pages and documents. However, if you have any questions or concerns you can't find the answers to, please contact any of the following: Jennifer Olis, GHHS Director of Bands Katie & Nate Russell, Eloise Maun, & Julie Rutter, GHBOB Band Camp Committee COST, PAYMENT, AND FORMSEach year, the total cost for Band Camp is well over $300 per student. The Band & Orchestra Boosters work all year to raise funds to help subsidize this cost.
This year’s cost to families is $275 per student, $250 for an additional student from the same family, with a $550 cap for families with three students or more. Confidential financial assistance is available if needed, please contact Mrs. Olis or Mr. Belk for details. The GHBOB is 100% committed to ensuring that all students may participate in Band Camp, regardless of their financial situation. Here’s how to register your student for camp and submit payment:
If you need to pay by check or arrange a payment plan, please email us at [email protected]. For confidential financial assistance please contact Mrs. Olis or Mr. Belk. Volunteer opportunitiesUPDATE: SIGNUPGENIUS IS NOW AVAILABLE, PLEASE CLICK HERE TO HELP! It takes quite a few adult family members and LOTS of volunteer hours to make Band Camp a success each year. Volunteers will assist with check-in, luggage searches, and luggage and instrument loading on Sunday, July 21. Volunteers will also assist with unloading instruments and luggage when the students return on Friday, July 26, and drive the equipment truck to and from Band Camp at the beginning and end of the week. And finally, we will need adult volunteers to spend the night in the dorms with the students during each night of Band Camp, as floor chaperones. Please note that you can be a Dad/Stepdad/Male Guardian of a Band Daughter or a Mom/Stepmom/Female Guardian of a Band Son and still help us out with that. You don't need to be assigned to the same floor as your student. You can click here for additional details on overnight chaperone duty (please note these are last year's instructions and may be updated slightly for 2024, but you can review now to get the general idea).
The signupgenius for Band Camp will be released VERY SOON. Please consider signing up for one or more volunteer slots ASAP! All adult volunteers must have a current background check on file with the District. If you are even considering volunteering at Band Camp (and we really hope that you are!), please click here to check your status and initiate your background check process NOW if necessary. Note that overnight chaperones must have the full FBI/BCI background check, which requires stopping by the Board of Education office to be fingerprinted. SPECIAL NOTE FOR PARENTS OF RISING SENIORS: GHHS Marching Band seniors traditionally are permitted to stay up past curfew together on the last night of camp (Thursday, July 25 this year). They spend time with the directors and are also allowed to socialize and bond together as a class. At least one senior parent will be needed as an additional chaperone for this night, to supervise the students and ensure they stay safely in the dorm after the directors retire for the evening. ROOMMATE ASSIGNMENTSEach room at Band Camp houses two students. Please ask your student to consult with friends before submitting their roommate requests. Students who each designate each other as their first choice will be paired together. Otherwise, the directors and Band Camp organizers will do their best to match people based on their second and third choices. All roommate assignments are final once made.
MEDICAL INFORMATIONA nurse will be on site with the students throughout the camp week and will administer authorized medications and provide first aid as needed. Emergency medical care, if necessary, will be provided at a local hospital. Other than OTC pain relief and antacids, which will be supplied by the nurse as needed, all other medications (both OTC and prescription) must be given to the nurse during check in, along with a completed medication form. District policy provides that students may not hold or dispense their own medications while at Band Camp (except for emergency inhalers).
PREPARING FOR band CAMPPlease click here and take the time to review the Band Camp Rules with your student to ensure that you both understand the behavior expectations while at Band Camp. You can also click here for our suggested Band Camp Packing List to help you and your student prepare for their week away. Please also remember that any medications your student will bring with them require a completed copy of the Medication Form required by the District (click here for a copy), signed by you and by their doctor, and submitted to the Camp Nurse during Band Camp check-in.
This web site is maintained by the Grandview Heights Band & Orchestra Boosters, serving and supporting the instrumental music students of the Grandview Heights Schools.