If you can't find it in your in-box, you might find it here!
REMINDER that the Calendar is available here.
What an amazing debut of our second show of the season, “Classic Rock Resurgence”! I continue to be amazed by the talents of our students. This week we debut show 2 at
Another fantastic performance of show 1 by the GHHMB!!! We’re looking forward to debuting Show 2 this week - “"Classic Rock Resurgence" There are a LOT of
Another great win for the Bobcats and a great performance by the GHMB at halftime!!! Thank you to the band members for also partnering with the band members from
Wow!!! What a truly great first football Friday night! The band performed to a wonderful crowd who thoroughly enjoyed our first show, “Bruno Mars”. A big thank
The GHMB is looking forward to giving a great performance at our first football game Friday night!
WOW! Congratulations to the members of the GHMB for two fantastic performances Thursday night! I was inspired by their enthusiasm and focus. What a way to start off
Greetings, Grandview Marching Band families! Hope that many of you were able to enjoy the exciting start to our GHHS MB season on Thursday night. It was a great
Greetings, GH Band families! Not much to say this week, but what we do have is REALLY IMPORTANT. Please sign up to assist with fall volunteering, asap!
Welcome back! The members of the Grandview Heights Marching Band have been hard at work for over a month now. Jazz Ensemble will dust off their instruments this
Welcome back parents! The members of the marching band have been hard at work for over a month now. Jazz Ensemble dusted off their instruments yesterday as the
AuthorJulie Rutter Categories
This web site is maintained by the Grandview Heights Band & Orchestra Boosters, serving and supporting the instrumental music students of the Grandview Heights Schools.