ABOUT THE Grandview Heights Band & ORCHESTRA BOOSTERSIf you are an adult family member of a Grandview band or orchestra student in grades 5-12, you are a member of the Grandview Heights Band & Orchestra Boosters. Welcome!
We encourage you to join us for our monthly meetings, which are typically held at 6:30pm in the GHHS Band Room. Please always check the web site and/or Facebook for updates, as we occasionally have to improvise. The GHBOB's mission is to provide financial and organizational support for all instrumental music students in the Grandview Heights Schools. We sponsor several fundraisers and raise money all year to assist with instrument purchases and maintenance, music licensing, uniform purchase and repair, and educational and development activities for students across all grade levels and performance groups. 2023-24 GHBOB OFFICERS AND COMMITTEE CHAIRSPresident: Jennifer Kinsinger
VP: Molly Schmied Treasurer: Jay Carini Secretary: Natalie Glenn Communications Officer: Julie Rutter Orchestra Liaison: Tessa Carrel Summer Uniforms: Laura Swisher Band Camp: Katie & Nate Russell, Eloise Jones, Julie Rutter Decal Drive: Molly Schmied, Sara Carini Sponsorhips: Mona Barber Fall Uniforms: Lisa Gladman Concessions: Bob Rutter Middle School Shirts: Karen Smith Scholarships: Tessa Carrel BOBCake Bash: Catt Dimes, Terra Welsh Senior Recognition: Julie Rutter |
UPCOMING GHBOB MEETINGSAll meetings at 6:30pm in the GHHS band room, unless otherwise noted. For the 2024-25 school year, we plan to meet on the following dates: