“GHBOB 101” – for new families or anyone who needs a refresher course!
“GHBOB 101” – for new families or anyone who needs a refresher course!
MB/CB = HS Marching Band/Concert Band JE = HS Jazz Ensemble HSO = HS Orchestra MSB = Middle School Bands MSO = MS Orchestra |
Items in green = fundraising events Items in red = volunteer opportunities |
Things are wild and crazy for the HS MB during football season, which typically runs from late August through early November. The GHHS Marching Band performs at all home and away Bobcat football games, with a couple of additional performances during the season. Much of the activity remains the same from week to week, varying slightly depending on whether the Bobcats play at home or away. Other performing groups begin their performance schedules later in the fall.
Bobcat home football games: the GHHS MB will perform for both pregame and halftime at home Bobcat football games. Typically the students wear summer marching uniforms for the first couple of games, and then wear their fall uniforms for the remainder. Because fall uniforms are stored at the school, parent volunteers help to distribute fall uniforms before games and check them in again at the end of the night. Parent volunteers also help to hang the senior band members’ banners at the Stadium before home games and take them down and store them at the end of the night. Students typically report around 6pm and are free to go after the game ends, typically between 9pm and 10pm.
Evening rehearsals: the GHHS MB will have one evening rehearsal per week during the week of home games only. The rehearsal is typically from 8-10pm and is mandatory for all members. (Athletes in other fall sports will be excused for conflicting competitions on a case-by-case basis.)
Concession stands: the second of the GHBOB’s three major FUNDRAISING sources is running the concession stands for all Bobcat home football game. Many parent volunteers per week are necessary to staff both the home and away stands for the full game. This is a HUGE undertaking, so please plan to assist!
Bobcat away football games: the GHHS MB will travel to all away games absent unusual circumstances, and report and return times for away games will vary depending upon the distance to be traveled. Students ride buses to and from the game. For games when fall uniforms will be worn, parent volunteers again will help to distribute the uniforms before departure and check in and store the uniforms upon return. A parent volunteer is also needed to drive the equipment truck to and from away game sites.
Early September, Ox Roast: the GHHS MB traditionally performs at the pit lighting and pep rally for the Bobcat Boosters’ annual Ox Roast event, which occurs on the Thursday, Friday, and Saturday after Labor Day. The location is Pierce Field.
October, Homecoming: in addition to all of the regular home football game activities, the GHHS MB marches in the Homecoming Parade, which typically steps off at 6pm on Friday of Homecoming weekend. The parade route starts in the middle school parking lot on Ashland Ave, proceeds south to First Ave, then east to Grandview Ave, north to Third Ave, and west back into the football stadium.
Mid-October, first Jazz Ensemble concert: the Jazz Ensemble typically kicks off its performance season with a concert in mid-October.
Late October, Season in Review: on a Thursday evening late in the football season, the GHHS MB hosts the “Season in Review” event at the football stadium. The band will perform most of their shows from the entire football season. The event is free and open to the public and is a great way to catch some of the shows you may have missed while you were volunteering in the concession stand. Students wear their fall uniforms, and parent volunteers again help distribute them before and check them back in after the event.
Early November, football playoffs: if the football Bobcats have a great season and make the playoffs, the GHHS MB will follow them into the post-season and perform at all playoff games as well. Parent volunteers will be needed as noted in the away game summary above.
Beginning in November, Honor Band opportunities: OMEA and area universities offer various honor band opportunities for middle and high school students. Interested students must be nominated by their director, and band members are typically selected based on overall band size and instrumentation needs. Students who wish to voluntarily participate are encouraged to contact their director to discuss. These opportunities may arise throughout the school year.
Mid-November, first MSB Concert: all Middle School bands will have their first concert during the month of November, typically shortly before Thanksgiving. The format for MSB concerts is divided into two halves. The 6th and 7th grade bands perform at 6pm, and the 7th and 8th grade bands at 7pm. Concerts are typically in the GHHS auditorium.
Late November, first Orchestra Concert: the orchestra program (all grade levels) gives its first concert in mid to late November.
Things are wild and crazy for the HS MB during football season, which typically runs from late August through early November. The GHHS Marching Band performs at all home and away Bobcat football games, with a couple of additional performances during the season. Much of the activity remains the same from week to week, varying slightly depending on whether the Bobcats play at home or away. Other performing groups begin their performance schedules later in the fall.
Bobcat home football games: the GHHS MB will perform for both pregame and halftime at home Bobcat football games. Typically the students wear summer marching uniforms for the first couple of games, and then wear their fall uniforms for the remainder. Because fall uniforms are stored at the school, parent volunteers help to distribute fall uniforms before games and check them in again at the end of the night. Parent volunteers also help to hang the senior band members’ banners at the Stadium before home games and take them down and store them at the end of the night. Students typically report around 6pm and are free to go after the game ends, typically between 9pm and 10pm.
Evening rehearsals: the GHHS MB will have one evening rehearsal per week during the week of home games only. The rehearsal is typically from 8-10pm and is mandatory for all members. (Athletes in other fall sports will be excused for conflicting competitions on a case-by-case basis.)
Concession stands: the second of the GHBOB’s three major FUNDRAISING sources is running the concession stands for all Bobcat home football game. Many parent volunteers per week are necessary to staff both the home and away stands for the full game. This is a HUGE undertaking, so please plan to assist!
Bobcat away football games: the GHHS MB will travel to all away games absent unusual circumstances, and report and return times for away games will vary depending upon the distance to be traveled. Students ride buses to and from the game. For games when fall uniforms will be worn, parent volunteers again will help to distribute the uniforms before departure and check in and store the uniforms upon return. A parent volunteer is also needed to drive the equipment truck to and from away game sites.
Early September, Ox Roast: the GHHS MB traditionally performs at the pit lighting and pep rally for the Bobcat Boosters’ annual Ox Roast event, which occurs on the Thursday, Friday, and Saturday after Labor Day. The location is Pierce Field.
October, Homecoming: in addition to all of the regular home football game activities, the GHHS MB marches in the Homecoming Parade, which typically steps off at 6pm on Friday of Homecoming weekend. The parade route starts in the middle school parking lot on Ashland Ave, proceeds south to First Ave, then east to Grandview Ave, north to Third Ave, and west back into the football stadium.
Mid-October, first Jazz Ensemble concert: the Jazz Ensemble typically kicks off its performance season with a concert in mid-October.
Late October, Season in Review: on a Thursday evening late in the football season, the GHHS MB hosts the “Season in Review” event at the football stadium. The band will perform most of their shows from the entire football season. The event is free and open to the public and is a great way to catch some of the shows you may have missed while you were volunteering in the concession stand. Students wear their fall uniforms, and parent volunteers again help distribute them before and check them back in after the event.
Early November, football playoffs: if the football Bobcats have a great season and make the playoffs, the GHHS MB will follow them into the post-season and perform at all playoff games as well. Parent volunteers will be needed as noted in the away game summary above.
Beginning in November, Honor Band opportunities: OMEA and area universities offer various honor band opportunities for middle and high school students. Interested students must be nominated by their director, and band members are typically selected based on overall band size and instrumentation needs. Students who wish to voluntarily participate are encouraged to contact their director to discuss. These opportunities may arise throughout the school year.
Mid-November, first MSB Concert: all Middle School bands will have their first concert during the month of November, typically shortly before Thanksgiving. The format for MSB concerts is divided into two halves. The 6th and 7th grade bands perform at 6pm, and the 7th and 8th grade bands at 7pm. Concerts are typically in the GHHS auditorium.
Late November, first Orchestra Concert: the orchestra program (all grade levels) gives its first concert in mid to late November.