Friends, we are hoping to see as many of you as possible tonight, from 7pm to 9pm at the Grandview Theater, where the GHBOB is hosting an informal "LEAP INTO VOLUNTEERING" Leap Day meetup and social event. We promise, no high pressure sales pitches - just a low key, fun social gathering where if the spirit moves us we may talk a bit about GHBOB volunteering opportunities.
Come one, come all - grab a friend and swing by for a drink. Hope to see you there! Think you can help? Got more questions? Comment below, or send us an email at GrandviewHeightsBOB (at #30dayvolunteerblitzwithGHBOB #GHBOBneedsyou #andyouandyouandyou
![]() Yet another coveted volunteer role is that of equipment truck driver for the GHHS Marching Band. GHBOB provides rental trucks to cart equipment to and from Band Camp and 4-6 away football games every year, and we need parent volunteers to drive it! Dave Schmied, pictured here overseeing the luggage load-up during our 2023 Band Camp preparations, has agreed to serve as the CAPTAIN OF THE TRUCKING SQUAD for the coming school year. Longtime truckers Jay McKelvey and Bob Rutter often help out as well, but we can always use extra hands for this important job, especially since CAPTAIN DAVE's last band kiddo will be a senior next year! Think you can help? Got more questions? Comment below, or send us an email at GrandviewHeightsBOB (at And please plan to join us on FEB 29 at 7PM at the GRANDVIEW THEATER to learn more! #30dayvolunteerblitzwithGHBOB #GHBOBneedsyou #andyouandyouandyou ![]() The GHBOB's casual "LEAP INTO VOLUNTEERING WITH GHBOB" meetup and social event is THIS Thursday, February 29, from 7pm to 9pm at the Grandview Theater. Current GHBOB Board members and volunteers will be there to answer questions and tell silly stories and we'd love for you to join us! All are welcome, so grab a friend and come by for a drink and some casual, no pressure conversation. We hope to see you there! Think you can help? Got more questions? Comment below, or send us an email at GrandviewHeightsBOB (at #30dayvolunteerblitzwithGHBOB #GHBOBneedsyou #andyouandyouandyou ![]() AND WHY IS THIS MAN COOKING 400 OF THEM? GHBOB volunteer Bob Rutter is a great example of how you can find a way to contribute to GHBOB that we haven't even thought of yet! Bob wanted to help concessions chair Brenda Parker "stir things up" a bit last fall, so he took on the planning and execution of four different concession stand special one-week-only events, including the enormously popular pierogies and sausage that we offered on Homecoming night at Bobcat Stadium. If I didn't think it would go straight to his head, I'd tell you how much extra money he helped us bring in - cha ching, cha ching, cha ching! We didn't even have "concessions stand special offerings chair" on our list of leadership positions - but Bob wanted to help out and we sure as heck wanted to let him. If you have new or different ideas for us, they are always welcome, so please don't hesitate to share! Think you can help? Got more questions? Comment below, or send us an email at GrandviewHeightsBOB (at And please plan to join us on FEB 29 at 7PM at the GRANDVIEW THEATER to learn more! #30dayvolunteerblitzwithGHBOB #GHBOBneedsyou #andyouandyouandyou ![]() Running the GHBOB's concessions operation is no easy job. However, it is also a SIGNIFICANT money-maker that helps us support ALL of our student programming, including things that benefit our middle school students, our orchestra students, our jazz students, AND our band students. It's a VERY. BIG. DEAL. The good news is, longtime concessions chair Brenda Parker (shown here locking up the concession stand door for the final time last fall) streamlined the operations significantly over the past three years, and we will be forever grateful to her for that. But Brenda's band kiddo is graduating in the spring, so we have to let her go too. Not sure you can take on the WHOLE responsibility yourself? No problem! We are happy to put together a CONCESSIONS COMMITTEE, to make it a team effort. There will never be another Brenda, but with 4 or 5 folks working together we can probably come close. Note that this might be a great way for an eager orchestra or jazz ensemble parent to make an impact, since you don't have a student marching on the field that you'll want to watch. Think you can help? Got more questions? Comment below, or send us an email at GrandviewHeightsBOB (at #30dayvolunteerblitzwithGHBOB #GHBOBneedsyou #andyouandyouandyou ![]() Our fearless leader Dot Davis Keil isn't the only member of the Keil family we are going to be missing next year. For the past several years Rich Keil has been the mastermind behind the ordering, organizing, and delivery of our GH Marching Band students' summer uniform items. This is a great volunteer gig for someone who may have more time to help out in the summer than they do during the school year - pretty much all the activity takes place in June/July. And great news! We take all our payments online, so there's no need to handle money. Think you can help? Got more questions? Comment below, or send us an email at GrandviewHeightsBOB (at #30dayvolunteerblitzwithGHBOB #GHBOBneedsyou #andyouandyouandyou ![]() We know it can be intimidating to serve as treasurer of a volunteer organization like the GHBOB. And that's why we're offering you the opportunity to TEAM UP with our current AMAZING treasurer, Jay Carini, for the 2024-25 school year. Jay is in his third year as treasurer and although we would love to make him serve as TREASURER FOR LIFE, it turns out that our bylaws prevent that. Boo, bylaws. To provide for a smooth transition, we are looking for a co-treasurer for the coming school year, to learn the ropes from Jay and take the handoff after next year. And then we can gently encourage....Jay to do something else! Think you can help? Got more questions? Comment below, or send us an email at GrandviewHeightsBOB (at And please plan to join us on FEB 29 at 7PM at the GRANDVIEW THEATER to learn more! #30dayvolunteerblitzwithGHBOB #GHBOBneedsyou #andyouandyouandyou The GHBOB is hosting an informal "LEAP INTO VOLUNTEERING WITH GHBOB" meetup NEXT Thursday, February 29, from 7pm to 9pm at the Grandview Theater. Current GHBOB Board members and volunteers will be there to answer questions and mostly be fun to be around (that's our special skill). We'd love for you to come and be fun with us! All are welcome, so grab a friend and come by for a drink and some casual conversation.
We hope to see you there! Think you can help? Got more questions? Comment below, or send us an email at GrandviewHeightsBOB (at #30dayvolunteerblitzwithGHBOB #GHBOBneedsyou #andyouandyouandyou ![]() Jenn came to her very first ever GHBOB meeting last fall when we still had an officer vacancy on the Board. And we PROMISED her that we wouldn't make her be vice president just for showing up that night. SO WE WAITED 'TIL HER SECOND MEETING! But seriously folks, we are grateful to Jennifer Jameyson Kinsingerfor taking a LEAP of faith and jumping in with both feet last fall - she has been a great new voice on our Board and has also taken on the leadership of our senior recognition programs. She's a great example of how quickly you can make a contribution in support of our students, just by showing up and offering a little bit of your time. BE LIKE JENN! Think you can help? Got more questions? Comment below, or send us an email at GrandviewHeightsBOB (at And please plan to join us on FEB 29 at 7PM at the GRANDVIEW THEATER to learn more! #30dayvolunteerblitzwithGHBOB #GHBOBneedsyou #andyouandyouandyou ![]() As part of our "30 Day Volunteer Blitz", GHBOB asked former GHBOB parent volunteers to share their memories of what they liked best about volunteering for GHBOB. Eric Schweinhagen, father of Olivia (GHHS Class of 2022), did not disappoint. ----------------------------- Sorry it's taken me so long to reply. I guess it's still difficult to accept my story as being mine. Even after these couple of years it feels like it happened to someone else — like in a movie. I could not dance. Not a lick. Nothing. I brought shame to my family. My wife and daughter discussed what to do with me, and the options included asking me to leave our home altogether. But my daughter was a trombone player (HOLLAH, LOW BRASS!) in the Grandview Heights Marching Band, and as it turned out that's what saved me. My first time volunteering in the concession stand at a football game would be the moment that altered the trajectory of my life. I worked in the back, making sure the front line had everything they needed: hotdogs, pizza, beverages, candy. Fitting, I'd |
30 DAY VOLUNTEER BLITZ WITH GHBOBOn February 12, 2024, GHBOB launched its "30 Day Volunteer BLITZ" in an effort to raise awareness of upcoming volunteer, board, and committee leadership needs. For more details you can read an introductory letter from our president, Dot Keil by clicking here. |
This web site is maintained by the Grandview Heights Band & Orchestra Boosters, serving and supporting the instrumental music students of the Grandview Heights Schools.