![]() AND WHY IS THIS MAN COOKING 400 OF THEM? GHBOB volunteer Bob Rutter is a great example of how you can find a way to contribute to GHBOB that we haven't even thought of yet! Bob wanted to help concessions chair Brenda Parker "stir things up" a bit last fall, so he took on the planning and execution of four different concession stand special one-week-only events, including the enormously popular pierogies and sausage that we offered on Homecoming night at Bobcat Stadium. If I didn't think it would go straight to his head, I'd tell you how much extra money he helped us bring in - cha ching, cha ching, cha ching! We didn't even have "concessions stand special offerings chair" on our list of leadership positions - but Bob wanted to help out and we sure as heck wanted to let him. If you have new or different ideas for us, they are always welcome, so please don't hesitate to share! Think you can help? Got more questions? Comment below, or send us an email at GrandviewHeightsBOB (at gmail.com). And please plan to join us on FEB 29 at 7PM at the GRANDVIEW THEATER to learn more! #30dayvolunteerblitzwithGHBOB #GHBOBneedsyou #andyouandyouandyou
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30 DAY VOLUNTEER BLITZ WITH GHBOBOn February 12, 2024, GHBOB launched its "30 Day Volunteer BLITZ" in an effort to raise awareness of upcoming volunteer, board, and committee leadership needs. For more details you can read an introductory letter from our president, Dot Keil by clicking here. |
This web site is maintained by the Grandview Heights Band & Orchestra Boosters, serving and supporting the instrumental music students of the Grandview Heights Schools.