Our fearless leader Dot Davis Keil isn't the only member of the Keil family we are going to be missing next year. For the past several years Rich Keil has been the mastermind behind the ordering, organizing, and delivery of our GH Marching Band students' summer uniform items. This is a great volunteer gig for someone who may have more time to help out in the summer than they do during the school year - pretty much all the activity takes place in June/July. And great news! We take all our payments online, so there's no need to handle money. Think you can help? Got more questions? Comment below, or send us an email at GrandviewHeightsBOB (at gmail.com). #30dayvolunteerblitzwithGHBOB #GHBOBneedsyou #andyouandyouandyou
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30 DAY VOLUNTEER BLITZ WITH GHBOBOn February 12, 2024, GHBOB launched its "30 Day Volunteer BLITZ" in an effort to raise awareness of upcoming volunteer, board, and committee leadership needs. For more details you can read an introductory letter from our president, Dot Keil by clicking here. |
This web site is maintained by the Grandview Heights Band & Orchestra Boosters, serving and supporting the instrumental music students of the Grandview Heights Schools.