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Grade 7/8 Band Syllabus, 2023-24 Course Description 7th and 8th Grade Band are performance classes. Students learn to create music on their chosen instrument in a group setting and perform at four evening concerts during the school year. Concerts are a required part of the course because they serve as our summative assessments. This course develops additional skills necessary for students to perform in the High School Instrumental Ensembles.
Student Expectations Students should own an instrument for band class or be assigned a school owned instrument. Students are expected to bring their instrument, supplies, and music to each rehearsal. Instruments should be kept in good playing condition. Music Students will be given a copy of the band sheet music each quarter. Each student is responsible for bringing it with them to rehearsal and keeping his/her music in order. Please keep music safe, as it costs a lot of money to replace lost music. Band Class Rules: 1. Bring instruments and music to class. 2. Please do not talk or play while the teacher is on the podium. 3. Do not use any instrument but your own. 4. Be respectful of other students and the teacher. 5. Be on time to class. Assessment/Grading • Daily Participation: 10 points per week • Formatives: Daily playing/performing/listening in class, Points vary per assignment • Performance Assessments: Playing/written quizzes and small written reflections, Points vary per assignment • Summative Assessments (Concert Participation): 250 points Concert Participation/Summative Assessment The importance of concerts cannot be stressed enough. They serve as the culmination of preparation each quarter, and are required. Please read the performance schedule carefully and contact Mrs. Olis or Mr. Heath as soon as possible if you see any issues. All excused/unexcused absences from performances will be handled on a case-by case basis. 2023-2024 Band Concerts/Performances for 7th/8th Grade Friday, September 29: 8th Grade Band Night, Bobcat Stadium 5:00PM **8th Grade Band ONLY** Wednesday, November 15: Fall LMS Concert, HS Auditorium 7:00PM Thursday, February 22: Winter LMS Concert, HS Auditorium 7:00PM Saturday, April 6: MS Solo and Ensemble, Canal Winchester HS 8:00AM-5:00PM **This event is optional** Friday, April 12: Cakewalk, High School Gym 6:30-8:00PM Wednesday, April 24: Spring LMS Concert, HS Auditorium 7:00PM Saturday, May 4: Kings Island Trip ALL DAY Student and Parent Acknowledgement Please fill out the Google Form below and return no later than Friday, August 25, 2023 https://forms.gle/B77MoqBX4VqNb3Xv8 Comments are closed.
AuthorJulie Rutter Categories
This web site is maintained by the Grandview Heights Band & Orchestra Boosters, serving and supporting the instrumental music students of the Grandview Heights Schools.