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REMINDER that the Calendar is available here.
This message was sent to all GRANDVIEW HEIGHTS BAND FAMILIES. 1. BIG THANKS: from all of the Band Parents to ALL of you, a huge thanks to everyone who helped make the 69th annual Cake Walk such a HUGE success. Together we raised over $6000 in support of the Grandview bands, and we could not have done it without so many of you! It’s impossible to mention everyone by name, but there are just a few folks we would like to specifically thank: Brett Bradley and the entire custodial staff; Ken Chaffin and all of the GHCSD administration; Chris Herrmann, Scott Heath, Scott Warburton, and Andrew Picard; Cheri Berlin, Erik Gilleland, Krista Voltolini, Kate Lobley, Karen Smith, Elizabeth Page, Martha Field, Janet Dugas, Elizabeth Watters, Collin Wheeler, and of course Cathy Murphy and Joanne Taylor, who made it all come together so well!
2. SENIORS, SENIORS, SENIORS: last call for help with senior recognition night materials. Six seniors still need to click docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1x75-OlWH1w1Lwa2_l98B63rQgYUdGNriAJTqJ7BIQbE/edit?ts=5ac27655#gid=726401058here to fill out their years of band service. 25 of them can still email me ([email protected]) a favorite band memory for inclusion in the concert program. And ALL of them (and you!) are welcome to provide photos and videos to Mary Landrum ([email protected] or 614-216-7948) for use in a video montage. DEADLINE EXTENDED until Wednesday April 17. Please don’t delay any longer! (NOTE that the students have not received this message, so please remind your student directly.) 3. BAND PARENTS MEETING: the BPA will have its regular monthly meeting this Thursday, April 19, at 6:30 pm in the band room. We’ll be debriefing the Cake Walk, prepping for senior recognition and Band Camp, and all sorts of other fun stuff. Please join us! And speaking of meeting topics….. 4. OFFICERS AND CHAIRS: it’s time to start filling officer and committee chair roles for next year, and we have a few very specific gaps. We are in search of a Vice President, as well as a chaperone chair, fall and summer uniform chairs, and chairs for senior banners and senior recognition night. Parents of 2018-19 SOPHOMORES or JUNIORS are IDEAL for the latter two, as this allows senior parents the freedom to enjoy their senior’s activities. Pay it forward, amiright? Please join us for the meeting on Thursday if you have any interest in helping out – and if you can’t make the meeting please contact Lorena Caito ([email protected]) for additional details or to volunteer. 5. SPRING CONCERTS: the GHHS bands will perform their final concert of the school year on Thursday April 26 at 7pm. The 5-8th grade bands will have their final performance on Tuesday May 8 at 6pm and 7pm. Watch for a message from the director for report times and other details. 6. BAND CAMP: just a reminder that band camp forms are currently available on the GH Bands web site, and are due July 1. Please begin working on them as soon as you can. Also keep your eye out for Band Camp volunteer opportunities, coming soon to an in-box near you! Thanks, all! Questions? Let me know! Julie Rutter, Communications Grandview Heights Band Parents Association [email protected] 614-314-8481 grandviewhtsband.org https://www.facebook.com/groups/GHBandParents/ Comments are closed.
AuthorJulie Rutter Categories
This web site is maintained by the Grandview Heights Band & Orchestra Boosters, serving and supporting the instrumental music students of the Grandview Heights Schools.