If you can't find it in your in-box, you might find it here!
REMINDER that the Calendar is available here.
Greetings and happy 2019 from the Grandview Heights Band Parents Association. We know it’s been awhile! Here are just a few very important notes.... 1. DISTRIBUTION LIST: you are receiving this message because we understand you to have at least one student in grade 5-12 who participates in one of the middle school or high school bands. Over the past several months, it's become clear that our communications were not coming anywhere close to reaching all of the families of our district's 200+ band students. In an effort to address that, we have assembled a comprehensive mailing list using the email addresses you supplied voluntarily to the band program specifically or to the school district for inclusion in this year's "Friend Finder." GHBPA uses email to keep band families updated on important dates, deadlines, and other events, and we want you to have the opportunity to stay informed. However, IF YOU WANT YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS REMOVED FROM THIS DISTRIBUTION, please simply let us know that by replying to this email, and we will take you off the list.
2. WE NEED A NURSE: preparations for 2019 GHHS Band Camp are well underway, and we need your help. We are in search of a nurse that can attend band camp with the GHHS Marching Band this summer. The dates are July 21-26 at Wittenberg University, and it requires the person to stay at camp the entire week to dispense all medications and manage other minor medical events.This is a compensated position with free room and meals for the week, and the candidate doesn’t necessarily have to be affiliated with Grandview (although that would of course be great). If you are a nurse or know a nurse who might be interested, please contact Bridget Kahle at [email protected] or 614.800.1974 for more details. Thank you! 3. CAKE WALK IS COMING: the Grandview Heights Cake Walk, a 70-year tradition and counting, will be happening this year on Friday April 5 at 6:30pm in the GHHS gym. This is a significant fundraiser for the GHBPA, and we will need many, many parent volunteers to make it a success. Please watch for a signupgenius coming your way soon, and help by signing up to volunteer. Also please remember that families of all band students in grades 5-12 are asked to donate one cake per student for this event. 4. FOLLOW US! finally, if you are new to this mailing list, you may also be unaware of our other communications tools. You can find us on Facebook as Grandview Heights Band Parents - it's a private group so search for that name and then send a request to join. On Twitter, we are @BandHts, and that's open to the public. And the band web site, which is maintained by BPA, is also open to the public and can be found by clicking here. Pick the avenues that work best for you, and we'll see you there! Thanks, all! Questions? Let me know! Julie Rutter, Communications Chair Grandview Heights Band Parents Association 614-314-8481 grandviewhtsband.org https://www.facebook.com/groups/GHBandParents/ @BandHts Comments are closed.
AuthorJulie Rutter Categories
This web site is maintained by the Grandview Heights Band & Orchestra Boosters, serving and supporting the instrumental music students of the Grandview Heights Schools.