If you can't find it in your in-box, you might find it here!
REMINDER that the Calendar is available here.
This message was sent to ALL GRANDVIEW HEIGHTS BAND FAMILIES. 1. CAKE WALK: there continue to be just a few volunteer slots open for Cake Walk on April 13. THANK YOU to the many of you who have already signed up. For those who have not, please visit the signupgenius and help out today! Scroll all the way to the bottom to locate open slots. Remember that all band students, grades 7-12, will perform that night (students may want to start looking for their band polo shirts now, to make sure they are clean and ready to go). And one more reminder: ALL BAND STUDENTS GRADE 5-12 ARE ASKED TO DONATE A CAKE (if your family has more than one band student, please donate one cake per student). Cakes may be dropped off at HS gym on Friday April 13, between 3:00 and 5:00 pm.
2. ATTENTION ALL BAND SENIORS: reminder that we have asked for your help in assembling the program and video for senior recognition night. Please supply these things by April 15. For details on where and how to deliver these items, please visit the blog. 3. BAND CAMP: reminder for all rising 9-12 graders who plan to be in the marching band, Band Camp information and forms are now available at the Band Parents web site. Please remember that all forms and payment are due by July 1. 4. BAND PARENTS NEED YOU: Interested in getting more involved? The Band Parents Association would sure love to have you. Please visit our web sitefor more information, or feel free to contact any of the officers or chairs (email links available via the web site). New committees and board memberships are being formed right now for next year....come and be a part of it, please and thank you! Thanks, all! Questions? Let me know! Julie Rutter, Communications Grandview Heights Band Parents Association [email protected] 614-314-8481 grandviewhtsband.org https://www.facebook.com/groups/GHBandParents/ Comments are closed.
AuthorJulie Rutter Categories
This web site is maintained by the Grandview Heights Band & Orchestra Boosters, serving and supporting the instrumental music students of the Grandview Heights Schools.