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REMINDER that the Calendar is available here.
This message was sent to all GRANDVIEW HEIGHTS BAND FAMILIES. Hello GH Band families! PLEASE READ the whole message below – lots of important information, for ALL levels of bands. And we need LOTS of help!
1. WE STILL NEED YOU FOR CAKE WALK! Cake Walk is THIS Friday, April 13, from 6:30 to 9:30pm in the GHHS gymnasium. We still need about 22 parent/adult family member volunteers, so please visit the signupgenius today. Note that “event control” really just means you help watch out for shenanigans on the gym floor during the event. You are not expected to be a bouncer or a cop, just some extra parental eyes and ears. These are particularly important roles and most of them still need to be filled. Please, please, please help if you can! (Already signed up? Please ask your spouse/neighbor/friend if they are, too!) 2. SENIORS! PLEASE HELP US!!!! I know our seniors are very, very busy, but we still need their help in preparing for senior recognition night that is just a few weeks away. Please ask your student to visit this document to fill in their years in our various band organizations. (We are still missing 9 of them.) They should also email me ([email protected]) their favorite band memory. (I am still missing 34 of them!) And finally, all parents and students are encouraged to share with Mary Landrum ([email protected] or 614-216-7948 ) any photos, videos, or other fun memories from all of your senior’s years in the band programs. And we need all of this stuff by April 15! THANKS SO MUCH! 3. CAKE DONATIONS: to make the Cake Walk a success, we need each and every band student, grades 5-12, to donate one cake. (This means if your family has more than one band student, we need your family to donate more than one cake.) Cakes can be dropped off at the GHHS gym any time between 3pm and 5 pm on Friday. Note that extra donations are welcome! 4. CAKE WALK PERFORMANCES: All 7th and 8th grade band members will perform at the Cake Walk from 6:30pm to 8pm (unless specifically excused by Mr. Heath or Herrmann). Report to the HS band room at 6:15; dress is navy GH bands polo, with shorts or jeans. All members of the HS concert band will perform at the Cake Walk from 8pm to 9:30pm (unless specifically excused by Mr. Herrmann). Report to the band room at 7:45, dress is white summer GHHS Marching Band polo, with shorts or jeans. Thanks, all! Questions? Let me know! Julie Rutter, Communications Grandview Heights Band Parents Association [email protected] 614-314-8481 grandviewhtsband.org https://www.facebook.com/groups/GHBandParents/ Comments are closed.
AuthorJulie Rutter Categories
This web site is maintained by the Grandview Heights Band & Orchestra Boosters, serving and supporting the instrumental music students of the Grandview Heights Schools.