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REMINDER that the Calendar is available here.
To all; Please enjoy a well-deserved Spring Break and come back refreshed. We push forward with only 8 weeks of school left! Please read the information below regarding Cake Walk and other upcoming events/deadlines.
Cakewalk 2018 - Friday, April 13 - 6:30-9:30PM Members of the HS Band will perform 8:00-9:30PM during the Cakewalk. Students should report to the band room promptly at 7:45; I will meet them there before we enter the gym to setup. This a mandatory event for all Concert Band members. See full details below. Cake Reminder - All band families, 5-12, should bring a cake for each band member for the Cakewalk. Cakes can be dropped off at the GHHS Gym, Friday, April 13 - 3:00-5:00PM. GHMB 2018 - Squad Leader Applications Its hard to believe we’re already discussing and planning for the 2018 edition of The Pride of Grandview Heights. One of the most important steps is the selection of the student leadership; our Squad Leaders. Any returning members, currently in grades 9-11, are eligible and highly encouraged to apply. The application process is divided into four sections (listed below): (1) Student Squad Leader Application (2) Teacher Recommendation Form (3) Individual Marching Technique Evaluation (4) Individual Musical Performance Evaluation Each applicant will submit a student application and request two (2) current teachers on their schedule to complete the online recommendation. Both the application and teacher recommendation have been transferred to Google Forms. Here are the links: Student Squad Leader Application - https://goo.gl/forms/72Vn0KJQw3cUIwPz2 Teacher Recommendation Form - https://goo.gl/forms/V30E1wogJk6SrXHb2 Sections 3 & 4 (Marching and Music) will be scheduled for the week of April 16-20. Applicants will march simple segments of drill and perform two songs from the 2017 marching season (Loyalty and TBA). Online applications are due Friday, April 6th and squad leaders for the 2018 GHMB will be announced at the April 26th Spring Band Concert. Jazz Ensemble 2018 - Auditions Auditions for the 2018 edition are nearly complete. Results will be announced after Spring Break. Cake Walk Friday, April 13 Dress: Summer Uniform polo; shorts or jeans 7:45 Call 8:00 HS Band Performs 9:30 HS Band Released Upcoming Events APRIL 6 - Squad Leader Applications Due 13 - CakeWalk 26 - GHHS Bands - Spring Concert MAY 3 - GHHS Choirs Cabaret (Jazz Ensemble Only) - 7:00PM 8 - EILLMS Bands Concert 24 - Blue Star Mothers Concert (2018 Seniors and 2018 GHMB Squad Leaders) - 7:30PM (Northwest/Oxley Memorial Park) 26 - Memorial Day Parade - TBD JULY 16-20 - Pre Camp 22-27 - Band Camp @ Wittenberg University 29 - Decal Sale Comments are closed.
AuthorJulie Rutter Categories
This web site is maintained by the Grandview Heights Band & Orchestra Boosters, serving and supporting the instrumental music students of the Grandview Heights Schools.