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REMINDER that the Calendar is available here.
Congrats to the Bobcats on a great victory last Friday! We return home this Friday for Senior Night and hosting Columbus Academy. OHSAA Division VI Football Playoffs
As of last week, the varsity football team was ranked #7 in our region of OHSAA Division VI football. This ranking did not include the Bobcat win at Logan Elm last Friday. OHSAA has released their playoff schedules (not pairings) for local entities to begin any possible planning. Therefore, I felt it important to advise you, as a group, that Division VI playoffs will be FRIDAY games beginning on November 2nd. All Friday playoff kick-offs are scheduled for 7:00PM. This email serves as notice that any/all performances by the GHMB during the OHSAA Playoffs will be required performances. Any excused absence requests must be submitted two weeks in advance. This Wednesday, October 24, would be the deadline for requesting an excused absence for Friday, November 2nd should the team qualify and the band perform. Memorial Park Dedication Ceremony - Sunday, November 11th - 3:00PM - Squad Leaders ONLY Memorial Park on Northwest will be rededicated on Sunday, November 11th at 3:00PM. This ceremony will be similar to the Blue Star Mothers Ceremony traditionally held in late May. This performance is for Squad Leaders ONLY. I will discuss details and expectations with SLs this week. Please mark your calendar accordingly. Marching Band Season-in-Review - Thursday, October 25 - 7:00PM Our Annual Marching Band Season-in-Review is just over a week away! This event showcases our traditional pre-game show and all five half-time shows. Should Mother Nature not cooperate; we have booked a weather location in the HS Gymnasium. All family and friends are welcome and HIGHLY encouraged to attend this special event. Celebrate our Seniors - Band Dinner - Friday, Oct. 26 A huge thank you to Band Parents Association for sponsoring our “Celebrate our Seniors” Band Dinner. This dinner is for band members and is at no cost to you. Report times are as follows: Seniors 5:00-5:15 Juniors 5:10-5:25 Sophomores 5:20-5:35 Freshman 5:30-5:45 10/25 Season-in-Review Uniform: Traditional Call: 6:15 Dress/Warm Up/Review: 6:30 March In: 6:50 Step Off: 7:00 10/26 Home vs Columbus Academy Uniform: Traditional Call: 5:45 Warm Up: 6:00 March In: 6:15 Pregame: TBA (Senior/Parent Introductions Kick Off: 7:00 Upcoming Events 10/25 Season-in-Review 7:00PM 10/26 Home vs Columbus Academy (Senior Night) 11/2 OHSAA Division VI Playoffs (should team qualify) 11/11 Memorial Park Rededication - Squad Leaders ONLY 11/14 EILMS Bands Fall Concert 5th & 6th Bands - 6:00PM 7th & 8th Bands - 7:00PM 12/11 GHHS Bands Holiday Concert 7:00PM Lastly, please don’t hesitate to reply to any updates or contact me via email, Twitter or by phone. Go Bobcats!!! Mr. Herrmann Comments are closed.
AuthorJulie Rutter Categories
This web site is maintained by the Grandview Heights Band & Orchestra Boosters, serving and supporting the instrumental music students of the Grandview Heights Schools.