If you can't find it in your in-box, you might find it here!
REMINDER that the Calendar is available here.
To all; We have rescheduled the two Pep Band performances from games cancelled in the month of January. Pep Band will perform Tuesday (tomorrow), Friday, and Saturday (previously scheduled). Tuesday & Friday are blank sign-ups - please add your name. Here are the links and call times:
Pep Band @ Boys vs Franklin Heights (reschedule) Call: 6:45PM Sign-Up: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c054baaa623a1fa7-sat Pep Band @ Girls vs Whitehall-Yearling (reschedule) Call: 6:30PM Sign-Up: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c054baaa623a1fa7-thu Pep Band @ Boys vs Utica Call: 6:45PM Sign-Up: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c054baaa623a1fa7-sat1 Note: Re-scheduled games may not work in a student’s schedule - we will deal with game shortages on a case-by-case basis starting next Monday. Upcoming Events 2/12 Pep Band Game 6 (rescheduled) 2/15 Pep band Game 7 (rescheduled) 2/16 OMEA Solo & Ensemble Event (select students - separate email) Pep Band Game 8 2/18 No School 3/12 GHHS Concert Band - March Concert 3/14 GHHS Jazz Ensemble - March Concert Lastly, please don’t hesitate to reply to any updates or contact me via email, Twitter or by phone. Go Bobcats!!! Mr. Herrmann Comments are closed.
AuthorJulie Rutter Categories
This web site is maintained by the Grandview Heights Band & Orchestra Boosters, serving and supporting the instrumental music students of the Grandview Heights Schools.