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REMINDER that the Calendar is available here.
Its hard to believe we’re entering week two of school already. Just think - the GHMB started rehearsing just over a month ago. A few reminders for our first game week. New Uniform Formal Photo - This Friday - 5:45PM
To ensure the new uniform is included in the 2017 Fall Sports Program, we have scheduled a photo session this Friday before the game. All band members should report (call time) at 5:30PM. We will change into our new uniforms (no hats) and Michele Leach will be taking the photo. This is our last opportunity to have the photo take to be included in the program. Note: You will need to bring your summer uniform for the game. Flip Folders Each band member received a flip folder from the band at the beginning of their freshman year. The flip folder allows your student to conveniently keep their music organized and transport it easily. If your student has misplaced their flip, it is their responsibility to replace it. Flip folders are available from Stantons Sheet Music (330 South Fourth St), Music & Arts (Graceland Shopping Center), Buckeye Brass (7445 Montgomery Dr, Plain City), or online. Flip folders come standard with 5 ‘windows.’ I have extra windows for students need them. Music/Flip Folders will be checked weekly and is calculated into your student’s grade. If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know. Wednesday/Thursday Night Rehearsals There are five Wednesday or Thursday Night Rehearsals for this season and that number will not increase. All five rehearsals are considered required and will be calculated into your grade. Exceptions to the requirement are (1) for athletes who have traveling matches which return later than 9:00PM on the dates listed above, or, (2) on a case-by-case basis as needed. Work and non-Grandview Heights activities should be scheduled around Evening Rehearsals; please submit the dates above to your work management or advisors. Our first night rehearsal is this Wednesday, August 23 - 8-10PM. Summer Uniform The band will be performing in their Summer uniform for the first few games. Consistency from student to student is very important. All students are expected to follow these guidelines:
8/25 Home vs Centennial - 7:00PM Kickoff Uniform: Summer Call: 5:30PM New Uniform Formal Photo: 5:45PM Warm Up: 6:15PM March In: 6:30PM Pregame: 6:45PM Kick Off: 7:00PM Upcoming Events 8/23 Wednesday Evening Rehearsal - 8:00-10:00PM 8/26 Home vs Centennial (see itinerary above) 9/1 Away at Afrocentric 9/4 Labor Day - NO SCHOOL 9/7 Thursday Evening Rehearsal - 8:00-10:00PM 9/9 Home vs North Union Ox Roast (after game) Comments are closed.
AuthorJulie Rutter Categories
This web site is maintained by the Grandview Heights Band & Orchestra Boosters, serving and supporting the instrumental music students of the Grandview Heights Schools.