If you can't find it in your in-box, you might find it here!
REMINDER that the Calendar is available here.
Band Camp 2017 was a huge success!!! The students met all the goals set forth for the week and had a great time doing so. The band staff and I could not be more proud of their hard work.
Thank you to our Band Camp volunteers for making 2017 a huge success: Band Camp Coordinators: Stacey Bergmann, Debbie Wilson, and Bridget Kahle Volunteer Coordinator: Melanie Luckenbach Band Camp Nurses: Cathy Myerholtz, Nancy Joseph, and Anne Marie Keller Truck Driver: Brett Friedmann Check-In: Debbie Wilson, Elizabeth Bergmann Truck Loaders/Unloaders: Mike Rowland, Bob Rutter, Dean Marcellana, Erik Roemer, Laurie Clark, Margaret Kurkura Luggage Inspectors: Greg Bergmann, Steven Lower, Nestor Narcelles, Scott Robertson, Kristen Shirey, Joanna Lower, Lorena Caito, Juliet Bullock, Alyce Reese, Pam Browning Chaperones: Bob Rutter, John Kahle, Patty Tillett, Tonya Ely, Terry Reese, Joe Bechtel, Krista Voltolini, Betsy Hawkins, Tim Murphy, Julie Rutter, Kim Roemer, Elaine Burchfield, Laura Swanson, Krissy Dobies, Carrie Williams, Scott Ferguson Senior Night Chaperones: Stacey Bergmann, Greg Bergmann, Debbie Wilson Ice Cream Social Team: Susan Jagers, Anne Keller, Sean Keller, Steve Lower, Joanne Lower, Krista Voltolini Birthday Cake: Kristen Shirey If I’ve missed anyone, please let me know. You deserve our gratitude!!! Decal Sale 2017 Our Decal Sale was a huge success!!! Thanks to Janna Thompson-Chordas, Megan Stanley and all our volunteers for making the event so successful. The final tally is already above $9,000 and doesn’t include any online donations we will receive or from envelopes left behind last night. Fabulous!!! New Uniform Fittings - This Week Our brand new uniforms arrived last week!!! To ensure proper fit, each student must complete a follow-up fitting/final check with our uniform coordinators. The schedule is as follows: Aug. 1 New Uniform Fitting - Juniors 6:00-7:00PM New Uniform Fitting - Seniors 7:00-8:00PM Aug. 3 New Uniform Fitting - Freshman 6:00-7:00PM New Uniform Fitting - Sophomores 7:00-8:00PM Fittings will take place in the breeze way outside the GHHS Band Room. If you are unable to attend your scheduled class time, you can select another one of the sessions. Otherwise, please contact Linda Wheeler - [email protected]. Post-Camp Rehearsals We have scheduled four post-camp rehearsals to keep all our hard work fresh in your students mind. With last minute family vacations, athletics, and other events; conflicts will occur. My only request is that any/all families communicate any conflicts which will come up with the four post camp rehearsals. Tuesday, August 1 - 8:00-10:00PM Thursday, August 3 - 8:00-10:00PM Tuesday, August 8 - 8:00-10:00PM Thursday, August 10 - 8:00-10:00PM Annual Falco Park Concert - Sunday, August 13 - 7:00PM The last summer/before school event is the Annual Falco Park Concert in Marble Cliff. The concert is scheduled for Sunday, August 16 at 7:00PM. Students will wear their summer uniform including white marching shoes. Additional details will be released the week of the concert. 2017-2018 Band Calendar The 2017-2018 Band Calendar (Marching & Concert Bands) has been finalized. I will send an email on Wednesday/Thursday of this week which includes the entire schedule as well as how to sync the calendar to your mobile device or Gmail/Yahoo calendars. Please look in your inbox on later this week!!! Upcoming Events August 1 New Uniform Fitting - Juniors 6:00-7:00PM New Uniform Fitting - Seniors 7:00-8:00PM Post-Camp Rehearsal 8:00-10:00PM 3 New Uniform Fitting - Freshman 6:00-7:00PM New Uniform Fitting - Sophomores 7:00-8:00PM Post-Camp Rehearsal 8:00-10:00PM 8 Post-Camp Rehearsal 8:00-10:00PM 10 Post-Camp Rehearsal 8:00-10:00PM 13 Falco Park Concert 7:00PM Comments are closed.
AuthorJulie Rutter Categories
This web site is maintained by the Grandview Heights Band & Orchestra Boosters, serving and supporting the instrumental music students of the Grandview Heights Schools.