WHAT IS THE BOBCAKE BASH?The BOBCake Bash is a 75+ year tradition in Grandview Heights and currently serves as a major fundraising event for the GH Band & Orchestra Boosters. You can read more about the 75 year history of the BOBCake Bash by clicking here. Here are this year's specific details:
Wait, what's with the new name?The GHBOB is proud to share that the 75th annual BOBCake Bash will also be the first event under its new name. You can click here for an explanation of why we decided to make this change. Given that this year is also our first operating as the renamed "GHBOB" organization, supporting all band and orchestra students under one booster organization, we are also pleased that the BOBCake Bash event name aligns with our organization's new "BOB" focus. Plus, we are all BOBCATS! It's a win-win-win!
WHAT ELSE IS NEW THIS YEAR?We're glad you asked! To help kickoff this important fundraising event, our orchestra students are getting in on the act. We are partnering with the Grandview Heights Public Library to offer the first ever "CUPCAKE CONCERT" on Wednesday, April 10 at 6pm at GHPL, to get everyone in the cake fundraising mood. Select students from our GHHS and middle school orchestra program will perform, and we'll have a cake raffle and free cupcakes as well.
Also new in 2024: the CUPCAKE BAR! For $3, you and/or your kiddo can build your own cupcake to eat at the Bash or take home to eat later (containers with lids will be provided). Didn't win a cake? No problem, come decorate your own! WHO ORGANIZES BOBCAKE BASH?The Grandview Heights Band & Orchestra Boosters sponsor the BOBCake Bash every year, and we are THRILLED that the dynamic duo of Catt Dimes and Terra Welsh are once again partnering as co-chairs for this big event. Catt and Terra will put in a ton of work between now and April 11, and we hope a ton of you will also pitch in and help lighten their load.
WHO PERFORMS AT THE BOBCAKE BASH?Band students in grades 7 through 12 will perform at the BOBCake Bash. Band students in grades 7 and 8 cover the first half of the event, and then the high school band takes over for the second half. More details on what to wear and when to report will be provided closer to the date of the event.
In addition to the "main event", there will be snacks and refreshments for sale, the cake decorating contest, the VERY popular cupcake eating contests, opportunities to win a chance to conduct the band, silent auction items, cakes for sale, and many other fun activities. This year we may have a few special surprises up our sleeves, so please check back often for updates! |
The event is open to the public - please help us spread the word and invite your friends and neighbors, especially those with young kiddos. There is a nominal $1 entrance fee per person collected at the door. What are the funds raised at THE BOBcake BASH used for?Funds raised during the annual BOBCake Bash event are used to fund lots of things for all of our instrumental music students! In the past year, GHBOB has funded ***UPDATE FOR 2025 field trip/extended learning opportunities for all 5th and 6th grade band and orchestra students (Ohio State concert in December), all 7th-12th orchestra students (ProMusica concert last March), and Band Camp for the GHHS Marching Band (last July). We have also supported some solo and ensemble and honor band participants. We bought ice cream treats for middle schoolers who met performance goals, and we helped pay for assisting and visiting professional musicians who have worked with several of our student groups. And yet this year we will support the 7th and 8th grade musicians' adjudicated performance event, and will recognize and celebrate our graduating seniors in all of our groups***.
It's a lot! Click here to read more about it. We need your help to make this year's BOBCake Bash a huge fundraising success, so we can continue to make these opportunities possible for all of our students. ALL STUDENTS DONATE ONE CAKEThe BOBCake Bash cannot happen without a couple hundred cakes to give away as prizes. Therefore, the GHBOB requests that every family with an instrumental music student in grades 5 through 12 donate (at least!) one cake on behalf of each of your students. This means that if you have two band or orchestra students in your house, please plan to donate two cakes, three such students in your house means three cakes, and so on. Good news: you don't have to bake them yourself. Store-bought cakes work just fine for this purpose. Cakes may be dropped off starting at 3pm on the day of the event (April 12), at the GHHS gymnasium.
BOBCAKE BUYOUT: if you don't have time to buy or bake a cake, we'll do your shopping for you! Click here to submit your donation of $25 per student/cake, before April 4, so that we have time to secure cakes on your behalf. IS THERE A CAKE DECORATING CONTESt?You bet there is!
The competition has two separate divisions, for students and adults, and prizes will be awarded in the following categories:
Decorated cakes will be given away for a donation at the end of the event! See one you love? Come and claim it when the music stops! JOIN US FOR "AFTERCAKE"GHBOB members will gather at *** at around 10pm, following the BOBCake Bash, to celebrate yet another successful and fun year of fundraising. Join us there!
This web site is maintained by the Grandview Heights Band & Orchestra Boosters, serving and supporting the instrumental music students of the Grandview Heights Schools.